The ISAD Online Conferences

(International Stuttering Awareness Day each year in October)


In 1998 I began hosting an annual online conference in coordination with International Stuttering Awareness Day. In 2012 I hosted my final conference, and the task was taken up by The ISAD Team and carried on to the present day.

Though these conferences go back a couple of decades, there is a lot of great information in them, both for historical purposes but also much material still relevant to current issues and practices. They embody in many ways the wisdom of the leaders of our field.

This is the only place where you can find the conferences as they originally appeared, including the threaded discussions that are linked to each presentation. Those threads manifested significan effort by many of those who participated in them, and contain a great deal of wisdom and practical advice (and a little foolishness).

ISAD 1 (1998)
Report on the spring 1999 ELSA ISAD conference
ISAD 2 (1999)
ISAD 3 (2000)
ISAD 4 (2001)
ISAD 5 (2002)
ISAD 6 (2003)
ISAD 7 (2004)
ISAD 8 (2005)
ISAD 9 (2006)
ISAD 10 (2007)
ISAD 11 (2008)
ISAD 12 (2009)
ISAD 13 (2010)
ISAD 14 (2011)
ISAD 15 (2012)

The Prof Is In 1999-2012: wisdom and advice on all kinds of topics, extracted from the conferences

Reports on the conferences


The ISAD Conferences on the MNSU site: My conferences can be found in this location hosted by my university, Minnesota State University, Mankato. On this site, the links to my conferences (from the beginnling to 2012) work, but those to the conferences hosted by the ISAD Team (2013 and later) do not. The threaded discussions do not appear on this site.

The ISAD Conferences on the ISAD Team site A complete list of all conferences is on the ISAD Team website. At this writing, links there to all past conferences are operable, but note this distinction: conferences hosted by the ISAD Team (2013 to present) are on their site. Links to my conferences, from the beginning to 2012, go to a site that is scheduled to be taken offline at some unknown time. We have rescued those full conferences and transfered them to this site, a safer location.


Posted 20 September 2023